Divorce Mediation Services
Offering in-person and online divorce mediation services in New York
“We walk with you step by step in divorce mediation, helping you to discuss your separation with clarity and a singular focus on your needs. Then, in the end, we draft a separation agreement representing your vision for the future.”
We help clients transform contentious divorce and separation issues into meaningful opportunities for deeper understanding and agreement through separation and divorce mediation. The benefits they get from divorce mediation are clear:
they save money and only pay for what they need
they move at their own pace
they build lines of communication and understanding that support them even after the process is over
they create long-lasting divorce agreements
In supported divorce mediation, tough topics don’t stay tough forever. With opportunities to say their piece and hear one another better, people find ways of resolving their most disruptive differences moving forward.
With us, you are not alone. In separation and divorce mediation, we support your conversation helping to make talking about essential and contested issues easier. We walk with you step by step during the divorce mediation, helping you to discuss your separation with clarity and a singular focus on your needs. In the end, we draft an agreement representing your vision for the future.
-Andrew Haas, Founder & Principle Mediator
“If you’re looking for client-centered separation or divorce mediation in NY, you’ve come to the right place.”
Spend less & save time.
The numbers don’t lie. Divorce mediation saves people valuable resources and time.
NY divorce mediation costs 5x less on average than divorce litigation
Divorce mediation ~$3k-$8k v. divorce litigation ~$50,000
In divorce litigation, divorce is expensive, time-consuming, and divisive.
Yet, less than 5% of divorce cases go to trial in NY.
NY divorce mediation takes an average of 3-6 months vs. divorce litigation takes an average of 2 years or more.
In divorce mediation, you choose your pace and only pay for what you need.
Is divorce mediation right for me?
This question is often best answered during a consultation. Every couple’s situation is unique. Some people are worried that direct communication will exacerbate issues. Other people already agree on most topics and want to get something drafted.
Client-centered means that we adapt the process to meet your specific needs.
Whatever your situation, we can help you work out every aspect of their separation agreement from beginning to end. Whether you expect serious conflict or a calm conversation, we help our clients find their rhythm and walk through the process in a way that works for them.
Can you explain the process?
We begin with a 1-hour consultation session with each party separately. This allows clients to broach issues they prefer to discuss privately and explore if mediation is right for them. If both people are on board, we will send over some resources to help ease the mental load in the future and coordinate the first mediation session. We help clients identify which topics need to be addressed to separate their lives (i.e., assets like homes and apartments, insurance coverage, etc.) and support their communication (conflictual or straightforward) around issues as they plan for the future. We record their decisions along the way and can draft them up at the end of your mediation. This document is a memorandum of understanding and serves as their template for a separation or divorce agreement.
What if we disagree about getting a divorce?
If you both disagree about whether or not to get a divorce, you’re not alone. As a divorce mediator, I can help you both discuss your options and support a meaningful conversation that promotes understanding and mutual direction. Many couples just need a supportive and neutral space to process their next steps in and find that mediation fosters the clarity they desire.
Do I need a family law attorney?
There’s a good chance you’re interested in separation or divorce mediation because you want a more cost-effective and human alternative to divisive divorce litigation processes. In short, mediation gives you options.
Our role is to make sure that whatever you choose, you remain at the center of the process.
The truth is that the law and a judge's decision aren’t always clear. Hence, legal battles. Some people are comfortable moving forward without a lawyer and mutually rely on their sense of what works for their situation. Some clients hire lawyers on a consultant basis for one-off questions, and others employ a family law attorney full-time to have someone who is solely their advocate.
Ultimately, the choice is yours, and if you want help determining what you want, we can process this further during the consultation.
You can find a great post on this here.
Where do the mediation sessions take place?
We offer separation and divorce mediation in-person and online in NYC and surrounding areas. Most clients opt to mediate on Zoom for the convenience of meeting online. However, others prefer to mediate in person, which we are happy to accommodate. We utilize private and comfortable meeting rooms on the Upper Eastside, Westside, and Midtown of Manhattan.
How many sessions can I expect?
Divorce mediation can take as little as three sessions and as many as ten, with sessions ranging from 1-2 hours. In general, those with children require more time in mediation to create parenting plans and support arrangements if they desire. Many assets (i.e., homes, second homes, boats, etc.) can also extend the time needed for mediation as there is more to discuss.
What do we do with the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)?
As a result of talking through issues directly in a safe and supportive space, most clients decide on every aspect of their separation or divorce. We then draft these agreements into a non-binding but formal document that provides the basis for you, a paralegal, or an attorney to prepare (and file, if you desire) a divorce stipulation. Each option takes varying lengths of time and money to complete.
Towards the end of the mediation, we can facilitate a conversation concerning the following steps so that you both move forward together.
Will you provide legal advice?
As neutrals, it is outside of our role to provide legal advice. However, this lets you focus on something often more valuable to couples - the chance to discuss what the two of you think would work best for you (and your children). If the law is a part of that conversation for you, we support a space where you can communicate your thoughts.
What are the benefits of divorce mediation?
Couples find unique benefits in divorce mediation and walk away feeling empowered and grateful for different aspects of the process. However, clients often appreciate the following benefits:
You talk through and shape your agreement with one another and, in so doing, always know where the other person is at (as different from a game of telephone).
Your vision of what is best for you and your family sets the stage for the conversation.
We support a space in which identifying, classifying, and distributing assets is possible and constructive.
You only pay for the time you need and move at your own pace (fast or slow).
Even if you don’t agree on everything, it’s still more cost and time-effective than litigation. You can take your agreements with you.
You can co-create communication patterns that serve you well after completing the process.
How does mediation affect the longevity of our agreements?
Every part of a divorce agreement is co-created in mediation. As a result, both people took part in crafting and agreeing to the final decisions. From our experience, people hold to commitments they made for themselves. This is very different from divorce litigation processes in which one person feels forced into saying “yes.”
During our separation or divorce consultation, we take time to discuss areas where you’re concerned about finding agreement and discuss constructive ways that we can support you as your mediators.
Interested in learning more?
Schedule a Free Intro Call
Intro calls offer a free first step toward determining your next steps and take 10-15 min. Whether or not mediation is right for you, this is an opportunity to learn more.
During your intro call, you can:
Share about your interest
Ask questions
Learn more about the pricing and mediation process
Talk about the next steps
Complete the form below to schedule your free 15 min. intro call. If you'd like to get in touch to discuss any general services-related questions, please email us at info@haasmediation.com.